Thursday, May 10, 2007

The "foot pop" kiss

One of my favorite movies is The Princess Diaries with Anne Hathaway. There is a scene in the movie where she is explaining to her mother that she hopes when her date kisses her that her foot "pops up" like in the old movies. We took this picture, then noticed that Elizabeth's foot is popping. Our princess... :)

Thursday, May 03, 2007

I was watching FRIENDS tonight and I saw a commercial for Orlando tourism (like they really need to advertise...) Anyway, the song in the background was really catchy and I looked up the few lyrics I could understand and found that itwas performed by this band, The Click Five. The only thing I know about them is that they are from Boston and they sing fun punk-rock-type songs. The song that was on the commerical was called Time Machine. I found it on iTunes and downloaded it to my Nano. If you are into catchy punk-rock-type tunes, check it out!

OK, so this is the first post on my VERY OWN page!
I will post from time to time about my new favorite things or subjects that interest me and maybe they will interest you too... OR...maybe you will just shake your head and roll your eyes at some of the "fluff" in life that excites me. More to come...