Thursday, May 03, 2007

I was watching FRIENDS tonight and I saw a commercial for Orlando tourism (like they really need to advertise...) Anyway, the song in the background was really catchy and I looked up the few lyrics I could understand and found that itwas performed by this band, The Click Five. The only thing I know about them is that they are from Boston and they sing fun punk-rock-type songs. The song that was on the commerical was called Time Machine. I found it on iTunes and downloaded it to my Nano. If you are into catchy punk-rock-type tunes, check it out!


Blogger Unknown said...

I am down with the power pop! Cool keyboard stuff on that tune.

7:05 AM

Blogger B said...

Actually, Betsy said...
(I don't know how to change the name, yet!)

So it's called "power pop"?
Instead of my own description of the genre titled "punk-rock-type-song"?

I like it! Thanks for keeping me hip to the lingo, Ryan!!

7:00 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

HeHe. Well their song on their myspace page is power pop! Booya! But I haven't actually heard "Time Machine" cause it wasn't on their myspace. I will have to look it up on iTunes as well.

8:38 PM

Blogger B said...

I will be anxiously awaiting your evaluation...

10:34 AM


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